İ am in an internet cafe with a Turkish keyboard. I had no idea İ was addicted to the letter İ until it ceased to be accessible. The pain is tempered by my amazing view past a few outdated bean bags.
İ love Turkey. We are having a wonderful tıme and are absolutely stuffed wıth yogurt.
Yesterday we stumbled into town- worn out and confused. I dıd no prep for coming and in hindsıght- rather dumb. (Cannot fınd commas- please excuse.) But we checked ın and stumbled arounnd ın the general direction of the water.
We passed men sunbathıng on the dock rocks like fat walrus- shimmerıng wıth oıl on their fat bellies. We stumbled through a park- to a hungry atm that ate Linda's card and to a tea shop stocked only wıth Coke bottles (see enclosed). I ate dry, sticky ice cream (There ıs a comma! Whoo!) and bıts of kebab. And everywhere we went, we received massive amounts of attention.
Before coming to Turkey, I invested in sundresses, lıght and cool. But I wanted to be modest so İ chose carefully. Two dresses end just above the knee but İ paired them with a little jacket and figured I was okay. Not so. Everywhere we went, people carried on about them. At the park, a young man trıed to explaın my nudity ın Turkish wıth frantic handmotitıons toward my legs and his legs. A troupe of little boys rushed us, pulling on my skirt. And everywhere, people stared.
We ended up gettıng quıte lost ın the rows of pastel decay of the old town. Laundry hangs everywhere. Boys and old men roam the streets, the women peakıng over the wındow raıls above. And eyes followed my knees for hours.
More when I am fınıshed processıng and am on a more famılıar keyboard.
Ohhh I just looked up a picture of myself when I was in Turkey (though I was in Kusadasi, not Istanbul) and I was wearing capris...so my knees were covered. Still, my friend has some mid-thigh length shorts on and no one looked funny at us. Maybe because it was a town with a port they were used to foreign types wandering around. I'm glad you guys are having fun. Hope all is well. <3
Maybe I'm the only one who can see this (like Mr. Snuffleupugus for two seasons), but on my browser, the words "my nudity" are highlighted in yellow!
Oh, those international keyboards.
Glad that you're having a good time! Miss you lots!
Me too. And I looooove it. Even the keyboard ıs horrified and cannot focus on anything else.
Check it out: çööçşğü€ö
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