We are in an Internet cafe in the Old City. We are hot, both impossibly attractive and boiling in our skins. I am speaking quickly because I have yet to learn patience with these keys. (I will edit these posts when I return. And then they will be utterly brilliant I promise.)
We are having all sorts of adventures. I tend to drag Linda around because I am impulsive and rather prone to getting on long ferry rides without an idea of how to get back. Thankfully she´s rather sensible.
We have a system to being lost. We attempt to hoard off the relentless local attention without being ¨those assholes who won´t quit bombing people.¨ We sample local snacks depending on availability, hunger and/or who feels faint. Our visit could be subtitled- Brea and Linda in Istanbul: An Accidental Tour of Snacks.
Today after hopping a Bosphorous tour, we ended up in a suburb famous for yogurt (we had some with powered sugar- mmmmm.) We were miles from City Center without a map or more than two words of Turkish between us (Linda´s two words). We walked along the road along the river- gasping as we rounded every corner and met the view again. Eventually we hopped a Number 15 bus back to another ferry stop and back to the City. Where we promptly got enormously lost in the shopping district. And had ice cream. And fısh sandwiches. And big purple grapes. And cookies and peach nectar and liters of tomato juice. We are out to eat this city.
And now I must go to the grocery store.
Oh PS- Linda is documenting the mad days with her camera. The above photos are mine but her better ones are to follow.
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