I love travel. I love being away, adrift with only my wit and skill at mime. I love the emerging from the airport blind to the local culture and the slow realization of recognition over several days.
It is a pain in the ass. Flights change, people cheat you, and mime is not that effective when you have to pee really really badly. And money is always a problem. Even when you have it, it can be hard to access. Linda just tried to use her Visa at a cafe and the bank said no. We were puzzled and concerned because an ATM had already eaten her other card. After several attempts at the international number, two MODA ice creams (made with goat's milk! Yummy!), she finally got someone at her bank who said it should be no problem. Le sigh.
Speaking of language barriers... Im currently in Munich (staying at the airport bored to tears) because i couldn't figure out how to buy a ticket for the S-bahn. No english speaking machines. i would have only had a 45 minute viewing of the city but it would be more exciting than this. Ugh. P.s. I hate turkish air.
Good post.
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