Monday, March 17, 2008

City by the Sea.

A few weekends ago, I decided to drag Aabir to Coney Island. I like the beach when it's cold- it's quiet and the grays of the sky and sea match my preferred wardrobe palate. Behold- the glorious, doomed Coney Island boardwalk.
It's a beautiful dump, isn't it? But it is a dump. And sensible people stay away in the winter. Behold- a video of the sun shining on my nose. The beginning cuts off but I don't think it loses any of the vital narrative.

Another video- this time of a kid running around some birds. Fascinating I know. It's a shame the beginning of this one did not cut off, as I can be heard saying "run kid."

The boardwalk connects the Coney Island subway stop with Brighton Beach, Russia's answer to Chinatown. The streets are filled with natives speaking their language, buying their food. The Starbucks has an English to Russian drink guide posted. I really enjoy Brighton Beach but what I cannot understand is, with the miles of beautiful shoreline, the community is built under the subway tracks. Case in point:

You know those "I'd rather be naked than wear fur" ads? Now you don't have to chose!

1 comment:

... said...

How sad am I that I am a native New Yorker and have never ventured to Coney Island?

I hope you have a brilliant trip and that I hear all about it when you come back. Much love!